Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Life Well Lived

This blog has been rolling around in my brain for almost two weeks.  Too long.  A dear friend passed away at the age of  90 two weeks ago.  She mentored me as a young mom.  She showed me how to pray.  She walked her walk.  She was a strong, godly woman. 
When I heard the news of her passing my first thought was "A life well lived".  I don't remember a cross word come from her.  I watched her live life full of joy and love.  Her granddaughters and my daughters are close to the same age.  We all attended church together and my daughters remember her as their Sunday School teacher as well as being at all of the softball games. 
Sixteen years ago she had a stroke.  She struggled to get her speech back.  She moved in with her daughter.  At that time I had a cleaning service and that was one of the houses I cleaned.  I had the privilege several times to watch mother and daughter have devotional time.  Precious memories.  Although wheel-chair bound, her mind was sharp.  She never had a bad attitude.  She could still talk, read, and pray.  She still went to church every Sunday. 
Her granddaughter spoke at her funeral about the wonderful influence her grandmother had on her life and her sister's life. 
God is truly amazing the way He brings people into our lives to teach us how to live and how to love.  Helen Nash was truly a gift from God and we will miss her until we see her again in Heaven.  She lived her life well!


  1. Dear Father,
    Mold me so that I can be used in a similar way.

  2. Thanks be to God and you Lisa! That was beautiful and I have tears in my eyes. I loved that woman so much, and I know you and many others did as well, and that brings joy to my heart. Love, Jocelyn
