This morning I was praying for a friend who is facing some tough decisions. God has done a transforming work in and through her already. He must think she needs more refining.
In the past year He has called her into ministry. She has moved twice and changed careers, all while taking online classes. Now, her mom's heath is failing. The decision to move her mom in with her is now a reality. I know what she is thinking. What is God doing?
Their relationship has not been the best in the past, but that was just it, the past. Her mom was not emotionally present for her when she was a child, and now it will be the same way. Now dementia will take her mom away.
My friend used to be self-centered. She liked living in that place and pushing people away. God showed her a better place. He is her center now. She cares for others now. She is totally relying on God for this decision. She will now have to step into the role of caregiver for her mom.
While we may not know the reason things happen the way they do, we do know God is in control and can guide us through. I know she is counting on Him.